Metro Vancouver's goblins and ghouls may enjoy a dry night on All Hallows' Eve this year.
Earlier this week, the Vancouver weather forecast included rain nearly every day, including Halloween. The region was also hit with a couple of low-pressure systems that brought substantial rainfall and wind to the Lower Mainland.
Starting Friday (Oct. 29), however, the wet weather is expected to dissipate and Halloween weekend looks clear, crisp, and sunny.
Environment Canada Meteorologist Bobby Sekhon told Vancouver Is Awesome in a phone interview that the upcoming weekend will have primarily dry weather.
"Friday through Sunday looks dry and sunny for the most part," he explained. "There might be some morning fog."
While the rain isn't expected to continue after Thursday, Sekhon noted that the clear conditions will likely make for cooler overnight lows.
"A nice ridge of high pressure is heading up and some good outflow winds from the interior that will keep things on the cool side," he remarked.
Daytime highs are expected to reach 10 or 11 degrees, which is average for the season. However, the overnight lows will likely be a degree or two cooler than average, dipping down to three degrees overnight.
While Halloween is expected to be dry for revellers and trick-or-treaters, the meteorologist added that it's too early to know if the dry weather will continue into next week.
As winter approaches, La Niña phases have historically produced colder-than-average seasons, explained Sekhon.
During a La Niña phase, which occurs on average every three to five years, sea surface temperatures in the open waters of the equatorial Pacific Ocean dip to below-average levels. By mid-October, a La Niña phase had officially developed, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in a news release.
Sekhon said the phase doesn't guarantee a cold winter, however.
Metro Vancouver Weather Forecast