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Laura Marie Neubert

Laura Marie Neubert

Laura Marie Neubert is a West Vancouver-based urban permaculture designer. Follow her on Instagram @upfrontandbeautiful, learn more about permaculture by visiting her Upfront & Beautiful website or email your questions to her at [email protected].

Recent Work by Laura Marie

Garden to table: Chaotic events are nature's response to imbalance

Garden to table: Chaotic events are nature's response to imbalance

This week’s ferocious winds did a spectacular job of clearing out the worrisome stores of kindling-like debris that had accumulated high up in our trees
Garden to table: Make plenty of minestrone with whatever comes to mind

Garden to table: Make plenty of minestrone with whatever comes to mind

West Vancouver permaculturist Laura Marie Neubert gives guidance on how to make a beautiful minestrone this soup season
Garden to table: native highbrush cranberry is a national treasure

Garden to table: native highbrush cranberry is a national treasure

The fruit is very high in antioxidant phytonutrients like anthocyanin, which gives the berries their beautiful, hand-staining colour
Garden to Table: Blow your mind with a seasonal mushroom boom

Garden to Table: Blow your mind with a seasonal mushroom boom

Wild mushroom season in British Columbia provides an opportunity for fungi fans to craft a stunning feast
Garden to table: How to make the most of your tomatoes – despite a soggy August

Garden to table: How to make the most of your tomatoes – despite a soggy August

Tomato rain typically happens when children return to school, but not so this year
Garden to table: Using chopped hemp is mulch better than the alternatives

Garden to table: Using chopped hemp is mulch better than the alternatives

Unseasonal August rains provided the warm, wet soil just right for transplants and also for mulching
Garden to table: There's no more important election issue than food security

Garden to table: There's no more important election issue than food security

Here in Vancouver – one of the most privileged cities in the world – we have surprisingly little access to local organic food grown in healthy living soil
Garden to table: Sprinkle in deadheaded herbs for a dash of flavour and nutrition

Garden to table: Sprinkle in deadheaded herbs for a dash of flavour and nutrition

Try this exquisite pizza with high-protein chickpea flour crust, pickled holy basil blossoms, oven-dried Sungold cherry tomatoes and Saltspring Island goat cheese
Garden to table: Rewards reaped with a successful summers harvest

Garden to table: Rewards reaped with a successful summers harvest

Sugar peas, beans, blueberries, strawberries and gooseberries are ripe for the picking
Garden to table: Why my permaculture garden is coming up mushrooms

Garden to table: Why my permaculture garden is coming up mushrooms

A shady stretch of mossy ground in my yard proved fertile ground for growing several species of fungi
More work by Laura Marie >