For people looking to immigrate, Canada is a land of many opportunities.
People usually choose Vancouver, Toronto or Ottawa as their first choice for immigration in Canada because these are the cities most frequently talked about and advertised. However, there is an abundance of opportunities available in other cities and provinces across the country.
Young professionals who have obtained a bachelor’s or master’s degree have a better chance of immediately attaining that goal and becoming successful in the bigger cities. But, if they don’t have the post-secondary education, it is worth considering other cities as an option for immigration too.
With a high school diploma as the highest level of education, the best path to citizenship is by going where there are many jobs available, says Rachel Gary, COO of Canada Direct. “Be flexible about where you’re willing to move to,” she adds.
Manitoba has the most flexible eligibility requirements in Canada because of its small population, Gary says. It’s also the only province that does not require applicants to pass an English language test. Saskatchewan is another province that makes it easier for people to immigrate.
“We can submit their application to move to Vancouver right from the start, but I can almost guarantee they won’t be in the pool,” she says. “We always tell them the truth because immigrating to Canada is not a cheap process. We don’t want to submit people’s applications and not get them here. If they only have a high school diploma and want this opportunity to come to Canada, they have to go to Manitoba.”
Gary explains that starting in Manitoba or Saskatchewan doesn’t mean immigrants have to stay there. Once they earn enough points to get resident status, they can easily apply for jobs in other provinces.
The same principle applies to the type of work people are willing to do. If they agree to work jobs with the most demand, they can get their start in Canada and earn the points that lead to residency either on their job or by going to school.
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