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Les Jickling: What we need now is jobs

A Conservative government will focus on job creation, innovation and policies to reopen the economy
Les Jickling, Conservative Party candidate for North Vancouver.

The first plank in the Conservative Party’s five priorities for Canada is to secure the future by recovering the one million jobs that were lost during the pandemic.

Our economy, much like an ecosystem, is healthiest when constituent parts work together in harmony to create stability, order and predictable growth. When there are shocks to the system we see the rippling effects across a variety of indicators.

Economists rely on tools such as leading and lagging indicators to gauge the economic health of the country and plan accordingly. Indicators are only useful to the extent that they tell us what happened, what is currently happening or what is likely to happen. At the moment the most troubling signs are rapidly rising inflation at a time when we still have high unemployment.

There is strong evidence to suggest that government spending has driven inflation to a 10-year high. Spending has been financed by issuing government bonds that have largely been purchased by the Bank of Canada. And while the central bank has been critical of a hot housing market that points to a potential asset bubble, they have not borne any responsibility for causing the problem. All Canadians should be concerned when we see the rapidly rising cost of consumer goods especially during times of high unemployment. 

A Conservative government will focus on job creation, innovation and policies to reopen the economy. By building back our workforce we increase our national revenue base without adding new taxes.

So what we need now is jobs, jobs, jobs and the Conservative Party is your best choice for rebuilding our economy and getting Canadians back to work. We've done it before and with your support, we’ll do it again.

Announcement regarding an upcoming event:

On June 14, 2021, Les Jickling will be hosting a virtual town hall with Senator Yonah Martin. For more information on how to register please visit: