"I noticed an air conditioner dripping water down and I thought if there's a way that we could contain that it would be helpful for everybody."
Splash Water Canada vicepresident Phil Fraser discusses the inspiration that led to the atmospheric water harvester, a device which stores and purifies drinking water from the air using a process similar to a dehumidifier (from an Aug. 30 news story).
"As long as spending limits are as high as they are, it freezes out the third parties and the independents."
Former NDP MLA David Schreck bemoans the price tag of becoming an MLA after noting that most successful candidates in last May's provincial election spent between $60,000 and $90,000 (from an Aug. 28 news story).
"It's hard to eat concrete." North Vancouver's Edible Garden Project manager Heather Johnstone says bees are threatened globally by pesticides and disappearing food sources (from an Aug. 25 Sunday Focus story).