Dear Editor:
Recently we learned of a Chinese teenager who sold one of his kidneys to buy an iPad. In less than five years he'll need to replace the iPad but won't have another kidney to sell.
West Vancouver council is planning to do almost the same thing -- sell off land to pay for office supplies and other soft costs for revitalization and infrastructure that might last 60 years, tops. When this shiny new infrastructure needs to be replaced, the fools who sold the municipal-equivalent of their kidneys will be dead but our youth with be faced with the bill without the land to sell.
And not a peep from either Mike Smith or Michael Lewis, the two self-proclaimed financial watchdogs on council.
Residents who think selling off land to pay short-term expenses is unwise might want to contact Mayor Pam Goldsmith-Jones ([email protected]) before the final approval at Monday night's council meeting.
George Pajari, West Vancouver