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War Amps key service a saviour

Dear Editor: Sincere thanks to the kind person who found my husband's car keys and dropped them into the mailbox after he lost them recently.

Dear Editor:

Sincere thanks to the kind person who found my husband's car keys and dropped them into the mailbox after he lost them recently. Fortunately, the key ring had a confidentially coded War Amps key tag attached which enabled the War Amps to return them to us by mail a week later.

What makes this service so special to us is that my husband hasn't been the only benefactor. Both our sons have had their car keys returned by the War Amps after other kind individuals found them and dropped them into the mailbox. One set was found amongst the rocks at Ambleside sea wall and the other was found at a night club.

An annual donation to the War Amps, a charitable organization under the direction of war amputees, has been a good investment for our family. Without them three sets of car keys would likely have been lost forever.

Penny McDonald North Vancouver