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Unfair process on assessment

Dear Editor: We sympathize with Claus Wigg having his assessment increased by 65 per cent in two years and agree to his suggested and fairer assessment process.

Dear Editor:

We sympathize with Claus Wigg having his assessment increased by 65 per cent in two years and agree to his suggested and fairer assessment process. We experienced a similar massive assessment due to the purchase of a few houses near us at unheard of prices. We questioned an assessment advisor on why our assessment increased so much; he said he walked up the road and he assumed we had a view, etc. We advised we have no view and after considerable discussion at our house had our increase reduced. We then made a protest appeal on behalf of ten other nearby property owners. After presenting our arguments for reduction of our assessments, the three-person assessment panel caucused only to return to advise they did not have the authority to make a decision on a group protest and we had to appeal separately. Unbelievable?!

Patrick Hill West Vancouver