Dear Editor:
I just finished reading your June 22 bus service story and I just wanted to let you know that the 246 Highland bus has changed routing, but has also reduced its service to hourly after 7 p.m. Considering the service that most residents of the City of Vancouver receive, I find this hourly evening service unacceptable.
The 246 is the only bus that I can take to get home in the evenings, yet most people in other parts of the city can walk a block or two and have various different bus options to be able to get home. The B-line every five minutes or so and the SkyTrain every few minutes, not to mention most of the other main buses that run very frequently.
I have complained to TransLink regarding the reduced evening service, but expect that I will just have to get used to long waits downtown if I ever choose to stay after work and go for dinner, shop or anything else that requires me to be coming home after peak hours. If TransLink wants its residents to use public transportation, then it has to be reasonable. For me, hourly service isn't reasonable. Direct service to downtown all day is a slight bonus, but reduced evening service most definitely isn't.
Faidra Hubbard
North Vancouver