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To bikers: be there with bells on

Dear Editor: "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Isobel." "Isobel who?" "Is a bell necessary on a bicycle?" Yes. We stroll down the Mosquito Creek trail every day, and often we're nearly run over by bikers.

Dear Editor:

"Knock, knock."

"Who's there?"


"Isobel who?"

"Is a bell necessary on a bicycle?"

Yes. We stroll down the Mosquito Creek trail every day, and often we're nearly run over by bikers. They seem to have only one speed - fast - and we seldom get any warning of their approach.

Bikers: Be advised that we can't see you or hear you when you're behind us. All you need to do is to ring your bell while you're still some distance away or if, like the majority, you are so ill-equipped as not to have a bell, call out, "Fore!" or "Ahoy!" or something to get our attention. A soft voice in an ear saying, "On your left," as you draw abreast is startling and can immediately lead to

confusion between left and right. It's an accident in the making.

So far we have managed to avoid being hit, but we're getting older and deafer and more wobbly, and it may just be a matter of time.

Signs placed at the ends of the trails reminding bikers to "share the trail" and be courteous to others might just help.

Cherry Rowlands North Vancouver