Dear Editor:
Regarding your Dec. 11 editorial, Forked Tongue:
Wow! It is Mr. Harper's fault that Attawaspiskat residents are living in tents and shacks with no heat and electricity. I well remember Mr. Chrétien's attempt to improve conditions on the reserves. I have worked in the North and I am disgusted with your editorial which is so Liberal, so stupid and so wrong. Chuck Strahl did indeed recognize that there are problems on reserves, problems which have been ongoing for 40 years without resolution because tribal management knows the answer: Give us more money.
Get off your Liberal high horse. This is not a Conservative, NDP or Liberal problem; it is a Canadian problem that even the grand chief has acknowledged. May I suggest that you write to the minister of aboriginal and northern affairs and explain how you would solve the problems on this reserve. Writing stupid editorials is really not the way to do it.
Tommy Thomas West Vancouver