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Roads without eyes leave drivers blind

Dear Editor: Regarding the recent letter from Fred Bruhn (Traffic Calming Not Safe, Dec. 28, North Shore News), I am in agreement with him on all points about the circle at Garden Avenue and Hope Road.

Dear Editor:

Regarding the recent letter from Fred Bruhn (Traffic Calming Not Safe, Dec. 28, North Shore News), I am in agreement with him on all points about the circle at Garden Avenue and Hope Road. The stop signs at that intersection should have been removed at the installation of the circle. They don't make any sense at all.

It's one of many unsafe thoroughfares in our community. Recently, my daughter and I were returning from Squamish in the dark and pouring rain. A lot of money has been spent on upgrades to Hwy. 99, but the road markings remain appalling, making it very dangerous at times on the passing lanes. The same goes for Marine Drive in North Vancouver. I do not understand when so many millions have been spent, cats eyes are not used routinely.

Christine Parkes North Vancouver