Dear Editor:
I would like to commend you for your inspiring story about the Reginald family (Family Team, North Shore News, Sept. 25).
All too often, our news media is consumed by negative, sensationalist stories that rarely serve any greater purpose, and only remind us of the worst in ourselves and our community.
But the story about Lyle Reginald and his family's triumphs in sport and life is truly powerful.
Growing up on the North Shore, sport has played a major role in my life and I'm always very proud to see local girls and women succeeding in high-level sport.
To me, the prevalence of female athletes is a sign of a strong family and community, and these athletic heroes always go on to inspire other girls to pursue excellence in sport and life.
As I read the story after a long, sleepless night with my newborn baby girl, I got excited about future days with her at the rink, on the ski slopes or on the rain-drenched fields of the North Shore.
I hope Rhoda and Robyn enjoy every moment of their exciting experience in Spain. Lyle has much to be proud of. I look forward to reading more "Squamish Stories."
Alison Gardiner North Vancouver (Editor's note: The North Shore News has two more articles planned for Oct. 2 and 9 in the series Squamish Stories.)