North Vancouver - Dear Editor: I have been planning to contact the rail companies for some time on whistle noise and in particular regarding the area of the Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing.I live near Capilano University and my bedroom window faces towards the city on the third floor of our building.Trains shunt cars between the west side and east side of the bridge along a single track that leads to just a few customers on the waterfront. Along this short section of track there are six to eight uncontrolled crossings where trains sound their whistles. Sometimes these whistles can seem unbelievably loud.My problem is not so much that they do this - I understand the rules and regulations and why they are in place - but when they do it.I am often awakened at midnight, one or two a.m. by between 24 and 32 whistle blows; it seems to vary as a train moves west to east. I then can usually look forward to the same treatment about two hours later when the train returns to the west side.If the rail companies really were good corporate neighbours they could at a minimum make these trips during daytime hours which I know they do sometimes. But there is no effort to do so judging by my experience.Suggesting they install crossing arms at all these mostly minor crossings would no doubt cost a lot, but to make an effort to schedule this work at more appropriate times I am sure would be appreciated by many more than just myself.Scott McGillivrayNorth Vancouver