Dear Editor: I am in complete agreement with letter writer Chanda Siddoo-Atwal regarding the location of cell towers in West Vancouver. Our home, where we have lived for more than 30 years, would be located right between two of the proposed towers. I am already electrohypersensitive, and don't need any more assaults against my health as a senior.
School children, including my grandkids, will be in schools in the vicinity of these 36 metre towers. As a retired city planner, I am shocked at the proposed location - effectively in the middle of residential communities. Yet we have a whole mountainside above us with no schools, or residences. The absolute minimum distance from cell towers suggested in a European study is something like 750 metres. And of course the levels of radiation permitted in Europe, especially Austria with a similar topography to ours, is 3,000 times lower than allowed by Canada's outdated Safety Code 6 - currently under review.
West Vancouver residents (North Vancouver too - you're next) must come to the meeting on Oct. 2 at the West Vancouver Seniors' Centre. It's our democratic right to be involved in these critical decisions.
Eva Lyman
West Vancouver