Dear Editor:
I take exception to Brian Wilson's letter, Don't Put Politics on Parade criticizing an NDP candidate's behaviour in the North Shore Canada Day parade (July 8, North Shore News).
I marched with our B.C. NDP candidate in question, Jim Hanson, at the event. We were very well received throughout the parade route. There were cheers, thumbs-up, and many people asked for political buttons. We did not push anything on anybody.
As far as "no pipeline" being an "ideological rant," it certainly is not. This young lad knows what he is talking about. He is worried about his future and perhaps got a little rambunctious, and that was unfortunate; however, for Mr. Wilson to say that it is fine for "elected representatives" to participate in the parade and to say that this was non-partisan is absurd. Their political affiliations were made abundantly clear.
In a democracy it is hard enough for up-andcomers to get name recognition, but to say that "some inexperienced politician" doesn't have the right to be in the parade is simply not democratic.
John Sharpe North Vancouver