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'Out-of-bounders' need to grow up

An open letter to "Out-of-bounders": Whether you ski, snowboard or snowshoe, I have a question to ask those of you who choose to go out-of-bounds.

An open letter to "Out-of-bounders":

Whether you ski, snowboard or snowshoe, I have a question to ask those of you who choose to go out-of-bounds.

Why are you so selfish? Why is your pleasure of fresh powder, untouched by those who choose to stay in-bounds and safe, more important than the safety and well-being of those who have to come rescue you when you get into trouble?

What makes your pleasure more important than someone's good night's sleep? After all, your folly yanks them from their warm bed and, probably, their warm spouse, just to help you out of your cold, wet dilemma.

Your selfishness drags them away from their family dinner table, just because you decided that safety was not important, or cool. "Hey! I'm the great outdoors guy/gal! Just look at me go!"

Would you bang on the door of someone's house in the middle of the night, waking them up, just for your pleasure and fun?

Would you go to a banquet and dive into all of the food, ruining it for others?

Would you take away warmth and comfort and safety from others just because you thought it was a fun thing to do?

Well, that is what you are doing when you decide that you have the right to go out-of-bounds. And some volunteer has to come bail you out.

Quit being so selfish. Be more considerate. Grow up. Be a man. Be a woman. Start doing the right thing.

Stay in bounds.

Terry Platt West Vancouver