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North Shore residents split on Seaspan expansion plans, poll finds

How is everyone feeling about the plan for new dry docks?
1-Seaspan Aerial View Vancouver Drydock expansion After web
An aerial view of what an expanded Vancouver Drydock might look like.

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is vetting a proposal from Seaspan to build two new dry docks on the west side of the Vancouver Drydock at the foot of St. Georges Avenue.

It's been a touchy subject for City of North Vancouver council and residents who live in condos nearby over worries the increase in industrial activity will ruin views, create pollution and spoil the newly redeveloped Shipyards District with work-related noise and light.

But how does everyone else feel about the plan?

North Shore News polled 1,271 readers and asked the question: What do you think of Seaspan's plan to expand its North Vancouver dry dock?

The poll ran from Aug, 11 to 19. Of the 1,271 votes, we can determine that 519 are from within the community. The full results are as follows:

I'm happy with it. It's good to see investment on our industrial waterfront. 33.91 % local, 35.80 % total    
I would support it if the dry docks were moved to the east. 38.73 % local, 37.14 % total    
I don't support it at all. It will spoil the Shipyards District and annoy neighbours. 22.93 % local, 21.32 % total    
I don't have an opinion. 4.43 % local, 5.74 % total    
  Local   Total

Seaspan is currently doing more public consultation on the project before the Port Authority makes its decision.

Results are based on an online study of adult North Shore News readers that are located in North Vancouver and West Vancouver. The margin of error - which measures sample variability - is +/- 2.74%, 19 times out of 20.

North Shore News uses a variety of techniques to capture data, detect and prevent fraudulent votes, detect and prevent robots, and filter out non-local and duplicate votes.


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