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No suggestion of West Van leasing

Dear Editor: I would like to address some misinformation in your Oct. 23 article on the proposed Grosvenor development for 1300 Marine Drive in West Vancouver. At no time did I suggest that council should lease rather than sell the property.

 Dear Editor:

I would like to address some misinformation in your Oct. 23 article on the proposed Grosvenor development for 1300 Marine Drive in West Vancouver.

At no time did I suggest that council should lease rather than sell the property.

My concerns related to trading such a valuable asset for a development proposal that has needlessly divided our community.

The district's own questionnaire showed that 72 per cent of respondents favoured a lower height than that proposed by the developer.

Unfortunately, as stated quite clearly by Mayor Michael Smith at a council meeting, maximizing financial return is being regarded as more important than the wishes of West Vancouver citizens.

It is unfortunate that our community is being divided so, especially when a more modestly sized development could still achieve all of the benefits stated by the proponents (revitalization, community space, new retail and office space, housing, vibrancy, etc.) The only difference would be a decreased, but still very significant financial return, and of course respect for the citizens of West Vancouver.


Scenery Slater

West Vancouver