Dear Editor:
With his snide and condescending comments, elitist West Vancouver MLA Ralph Sultan roundly insults the 900,000 or so B.C. residents who voted down the HST (Referendum Defeat Puts End to HST, Aug. 28, North Shore News). He must think that in chalking up the North Shore's overall support to "sophisticated" voters, those who opposed the tax will fail to latch on to the fact he is implying they are the opposite - too stupid to know what is good for them.
This patronizing attitude is exactly why the populace is sick to death of politicians like Mr. Sultan - and former Premier Gordon Campbell, whose similar attitude landed the province in this costly mess.
These politicians and their ilk speak down to the people, not for the people, and seem to think that their lofty perch gives them this right. All it does is confirm that they are totally disconnected from the reality of the average working person already struggling with the ever-increasing cost of living.
What these "less sophisticated" constituents do grasp is that the HST was designed to shift the tax burden from the wealthier business class to the ordinary man in the street.
The "less sophisticated" are smart enough to know that it hurts them in the pocket with no proven long-term benefit.
The last time the "less sophisticated" checked, the "more sophisticated" were generally far more interested in putting cost savings into their own pockets than in passing them on to consumers.
The people have spoken loud and clear in this historic referendum, not once but twice - and not because they are "less sophisticated," but because they have had enough of superior-minded politicians believing they have carte blanche to ram anything down the throats of the so-called "less sophisticated" whom, they seem to forget, they are supposed to serve.
Jerome and Kimberley Henen
North Vancouver