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Letter: It's 'disgusting' how much garbage is scattered all around our community

This Earth Day, North Vancouver residents should consider ‘adopting’ a neighbourhood, this letter writer says.
WEB garbage1 J Ruether
Masks, jar lids, plastic packaging and single-use containers are among discarded items recently collected along just four blocks of Leovista Avenue in North Vancouver's Edgemont neighbourhood.

Dear Editor:

It is amazing and disgusting how much garbage is lying on the roads, curbs, at bus stops, daily. 

Emtek Recycling trucks lose a lot of materials, particularly plastic lids and metal cans. Cigarette butts and plastic mouthpieces for cigarettes are contributing to the ever-present litter around our neighbourhoods. And unfortunately, most bus stops do not even have garbage containers any longer. Why?

Some dog owners scoop up their dog’s poop into a plastic bag and then leave it on the road for others to discard. Most amazing and distasteful behaviour.

In general, if every household would just clean up a little bit in front of their driveway and garden, it would help tremendously. It is so sad that we as society all are contributing to the plastic particles being washed down into the ocean or harbour.

Lids break down, when driven over by cars, ending up in the water streams via road storm drains and gullies. Styrofoam, wrappers, COVID-19 masks to no end. We need to do better.

The District of North Vancouver is encouraging citizens to “adopt” a street. For picking up garbage, registered participants are given a hand tool (arm-length “grabber”), safety vests and gloves. We all take strolls and walks. It is so rewarding to do something good.

My wife and I live in the northern Edgemont Village area and we have adopted our area, and started collecting garbage about four months ago. We go almost daily for one-hour walks, anywhere between Montroyal Boulevard and Belmont Drive.

We fill our household garbage bin with collections from the week. Pictured above is only one round of collection of litter, taken within one hour, and within four blocks of Leovista Avenue.

J. Ruether
Edgemont Village

Correction: An earlier version of this letter incorrectly stated that volunteer litter collection kits are available at district hall for pickup. In fact, residents interested in participating in the Adopt-a-Street program must fill out and submit an online application form.  A district staff member will contact the applicant within 10 business days to discuss the application.

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