Dear Editor:
I hate litter – I really hate litter. Sandwiched between the Seymour River and Lynn Creek, I live in the most beautiful forested area. I walk – lots and I see litter – lots of it. It has been 12 years of picking up litter in my neighbourhood. On Aug. 13, one woman (me), in one hour, in one block across from the North Vancouver Superstore, collected 62 plastic produce bags (amongst 40 pounds of other trash). These bags rest unused in shopping carts, they float away, they entangle in blackberry bushes, they hide under the dirt – they never disappear until picked up by the dreaded metal tongs.
Since April 2008, this same one woman has picked up 1,423 plastic Superstore produce bags from that same one block area. Consider those produce bags – maybe they aren’t needed at all – tomatoes can simply be weighed, so can peppers, apples, onions; bananas are already in their own natural “bag.” Maybe it is time to say no to the plastic produce bags. Or at least to reconsider how many are really required during our weekly grocery shop.
There are neighbourhood litter picker uppers among us – kindred spirits who hate litter as much as me. So if you are so inspired, pick up some tongs from the dollar store or local thrift store, grab a bag and go for a litter pick up wander – you’ll meet the nicest neighbours, get some exercise and know that it is our collective baby steps that will ultimately effect change.
Karen Koroluk
North Vancouver
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