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HIV plan tests only patience

Dear Editor: Regarding your editorial of July 22 "Blood Simple," advocating universal HIV testing, I had to check the calendar. No, it was not April 1.

Dear Editor:

Regarding your editorial of July 22 "Blood Simple," advocating universal HIV testing, I had to check the calendar. No, it was not April 1. Am I living in Canada, not Russia or China?

If you think that my wife and I, who met 55 years ago when we were teenagers, are going to give blood (even a drop) to be checked for HIV/AIDS when I am 100% certain that I do not have it (and 99% certain my wife does not have it) then you are living in a dream world. I commend you to the Civil Liberties Association.

In addition, you do not mention the cost of stopping everybody for testing at the B.C. border. Even a 30-second delay

as people head into B.C. from Banff and Jasper National Parks would create a huge backlog.

Would Alberta then set up their own screening stations for B.C. parents who have not had their children vaccinated for chicken pox etc.? Where would this end?

I suggest you and the provincial government think again.

This is not so blood(y) simple.

Jim Menzies West Vancouver