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Harvest Project thanks community

Dear Editor: From Harvest Project to the entire North Shore community: Thank you for your caring, your creativity and your generosity throughout 2012.

Dear Editor:

From Harvest Project to the entire North Shore community: Thank you for your caring, your creativity and your generosity throughout 2012.

Hundreds of individuals and families on the North Shore are being restored to fuller participation in the community because of your support for our work to "extend a hand up, not a hand out" to those experiencing serious crises in their lives.

In a recent fundraising letter, we highlighted the story of "Brenda," a current Harvest Project client - a single parent who is bravely working to rebuild her life and sustain her family. We could share the stories of so many of our neighbours who are benefiting from the compassion and assistance that we are able to bring, thanks to the support we receive from individuals, families, schools, businesses, churches, community organizations and local governments on the North Shore.

Each month, Harvest Project protects more than 500 individuals and families from slipping into despair, as we come alongside them with one-to-one coaching, a grocery supply and clothing support. Harvest Project is thankful for many partnerships, as we work with those in North and West Vancouver who are struggling and marginalized, though they live, work and go to school beside us.

Special thanks to students from preschools, public and private elementary and secondary schools and Capilano University who stepped up - sharing ideas and donations. Huge thanks to the North Shore News, a founding sponsor of Harvest Project, for another year of

crucial support. Our gratitude to Port Metro Vancouver and its annual fundraising gala, for their contribution. More thanks to the hundreds of volunteers who gave more than 18,000 hours of their time this year and allowed Harvest Project to positively impact the community.

Now in our 20th year, Harvest Project continues to reflect the stories of our clients and those who help us bring hope to their lives. Those we meet on your behalf are heroes in the making. We believe that each one will help make our community richer - this season and in the future.

Terry Byrnes, chairman, Harvest Project Gary Ansell, executive director, Harvest Project