Dear Editor:
Thank you for your spot-on May 27 editorial, Cheap Trick and to Christine Gurin for her letter exposing the dubious ethics of Onni.
The campaign contributions to city councillors from Onni's parent company RPMG described by Gurin is not an isolated occurrence.
There is a proposal to develop 127-133 East Third Street. The developer is BT Investments. Guess what? They also contributed to both Mayor Darrell Mussatto's and Coun. Linda Buchanan's campaigns. It should also be noted, that at the town hall meeting, only one person spoke in favour of the development as proposed.
The ethics and morality of this are, at the least, questionable. I would suggest that for these individuals to take part in debate about projects such as these, and to vote on the outcome is a conflict of interest. Both should step aside when discussion and voting is taking place.
Stuart Lawson North Vancouver