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Cab driver's offer made my day

Dear Editor: A North Shore taxi driver picked me up on Saturday to drop me off at a party. He heard me empty out the contents of my purse and then call a hotel I had been at the day before to locate my lost credit card. (The hotel had it.

Dear Editor:

A North Shore taxi driver picked me up on Saturday to drop me off at a party. He heard me empty out the contents of my purse and then call a hotel I had been at the day before to locate my lost credit card. (The hotel had it.)

At the end of the trip he turned around and offered me cash for the trip home in a cab!

He did not know I had another card I could use.

This thoughtful, generous act from this gentleman driver amazed me and everyone I have mentioned this to.

When I think of how badly treated cabbies are sometimes I am heartened to see that they are not all tainted by that experience. Thank you North Shore Taxi driver - you made my day.

Dee Dhaliwal North Vancouver