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Bus stop strategy at Park Royal frustrates commuters

Dear Editor: As a person who is trying to keep my carbon footprint as small as possible, I do not have a car and use my feet or a bus as my mode of transportation. Most times the bus works well for me.

Dear Editor:

As a person who is trying to keep my carbon footprint as small as possible, I do not have a car and use my feet or a bus as my mode of transportation.

Most times the bus works well for me. However, I - and many other passengers - were shocked to find out that the 239 Park Royal bus no longer stops at the Park Royal bus stop on the north side of Marine Drive.

Because of all the construction at Park Royal, the 239 formerly would continue down Marine Drive and turn right by the liquor store at Park Royal and then make a left turn on Marine Drive, which meant they were turning left through three lanes of traffic. Even though there is a traffic light there, the West Vancouver police were giving the bus drivers tickets for making the left hand turn.

We now have the choice of getting off on the east side of the Capilano River and then having just a second or so to cross at both the Marine Drive and Taylor Way pedestrian crossings. (Could the traffic people at West Van hall please tell us how many people are able to cross in that time frame?) Or we can stay on the bus as it does a nice little loop around the south side of the mall stopping at the first bus stop on the south side. In any case, these choices are inconvenient and time consuming for all of us who are trying to get to work or connect with other buses.

It is obvious that the brass at Park Royal never considered the needs of pedestrians and/or bus passengers, any more than they are showing concern for the merchants in their mall whom I believe still have to pay the full rental for their spaces during construction.

Since Larco will be a major player in construction if they get approval for the tower they plan for the present White Spot location, as well as development of the old Capilano Winter Club location, I just wonder if any ground rules will be laid down by both the districts of West and North Vancouver regarding all traffic, including buses and pedestrians?

In the meantime bus passengers deserve a lot more consideration and thought than they are presently receiving on the 239 bus, and someone has to step up to the plate to rectify this situation.

Sue Lakes Cook North Vancouver