Dear Editor:
Eight Bears Killed - and Counting (Aug. 19, North Shore News). Soon there will be none.
Here's a thought: Stop people from picking wild berries. If indeed we did have a weak berry crop, more the reason people should not be stealing from the bears. If we lacked food, we would travel miles to find it. Animals do the same.
Maybe planting more berries and other vegetation closer to bear habitat could help or, if all else fails, we could start a feeding program in which food is placed in the forest far away from humans.
It's absolutely sickening that in this modern age we are unable to find a solution without going trigger happy.
I am no expert when it comes to bears, but I am an animal lover and believe they deserve protection as much as we do. I hope a solution can be found soon, or Canada will be bearless.
Juliana Cedanna-Phillips
North Vancouver