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Abortion scars the soul

Dear Editor: Well done, Trevor Lautens (My Ideal Is to Make Abortion Unthinkable, North Shore News, May 11.) Thank you for a perfect piece of journalism to precede the celebration of Mother's Day.

Dear Editor:

Well done, Trevor Lautens (My Ideal Is to Make Abortion Unthinkable, North Shore News, May 11.) Thank you for a perfect piece of journalism to precede the celebration of Mother's Day.

We have a plethora of statistics showing the adverse effects of abortion on a woman's health: physical and psychological, and often lasting a lifetime. I firmly believe the only child a mother ever regrets is the one she did not have.

Regardless of circumstances surrounding a pregnancy, which can often be extremely inopportune; the child born will always be a blessing. Despite some temporary lifestyle adjustments, an unplanned pregnancy brings amazing long-term benefits that the mother may sometimes not realize until 20 or 30 years after the fact. While abortion leaves its scar on the soul forever.

Barbara Stuart North Vancouver