Age: 54
Occupation: Venture Capital
Number of children: 2
Ages of children: 18, 16
List any political party membership(s): Conservative Party, BC Liberals
Do you live in the school district that you seek to represent? Yes
What higher education qualifications do you hold? Master's Degree in Economic History
What PAC experience have you had? PAC Chair Lions Bay Community School (2007-10)
Incumbent: How many years have you served on the board? 4
How many board meetings did you attend in person in the last year? 8 out of 9 - missed only one because of travel.
What is the single biggest challenge facing the school district and how will you achieve a solution? Continued provincial funding. We are concerned about the funding formula review the provincial government is currently conducting as it may negatively impact operations at our school district. We are working closely with the Ministry of Education, BCSTA, MLAs and other parties to ensure we have input on this process.
What are your thoughts on the province’s new curriculum? The implementation has been going very well and I have worked closely with our administration to ensure the process in our district is running smoothly.
Why do we need a school board when so much is dictated by the province? It is essential that the local community has a voice in education. Additionally there are many day-to-day matters where boards participate and add value.
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