Age: 63
Occupation: Student Conduct and Judicial Officer
Number of children: 5
Ages of children: all graduates of the West Vancouver School District
Do you live in the school district that you seek to represent? Yes
For how long have you lived in the district that you represent? 63 years
What higher education qualifications do you hold? Master of Arts Degree
What PAC experience have you had? I was involved prior to my election to the Board
Incumbent: How many years have you served on the board? 25
How many board meetings did you attend in person in the last year? Almost all
What is the single biggest challenge facing the school district and how will you achieve a solution? Continuing to manage the public schools in SD45 and offer the students and their parents and the community the best education with diligent financial management over all aspects of the budget with an effective labour settlement with our teachers which continuing to put the needs of students as the priority
What are your thoughts on the province’s new curriculum? The new curriculum is a continuing collaboration between the province, school boards and our teachers and the community to prepare each student for their future.
Why do we need a school board when so much is dictated by the province? A locally elected Board of Education provides the best link to manage the education of our kids with the input and support of our communities.
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