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TransLink will give you bus money for 16 months if you scrap your car

It's meant to help make transportation in Vancouver more sustainable

TransLink is offering an incentive for people planning, or willing, to scrap their car.

Anyone in the Metro Vancouver region who uses the Scrap-It program can get $800 towards transit, spread out over 16 months (so long as the vehicle qualifies).


"Individuals who scrap their vehicles can now choose to receive a stored value Compass card worth $50 monthly for 16 months," TransLink states in a press release.

The cards work a like a gift card, but for transit in places that accept Compass cards.

"The vehicle scrappage program is designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower exhaust pollutants across the province by offering multi-modal rebates to those who scrap their vehicle, including transit, carshare, e-bike rebates, and more," notes the transit agency.

The incentive is being added to a list people can choose when using the Scrap-It program, including $500 credits towards car share programs like Evo, $750 towards an e-bike, or $300 cash. Other TransLink passes are already part of the program.