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Survey seeks youth input

METRO Vancouver youth aged 15 to 24 are invited to share their views on important social issues such as homelessness, health and education through the Youth Vital Signs 2013 online survey.

METRO Vancouver youth aged 15 to 24 are invited to share their views on important social issues such as homelessness, health and education through the Youth Vital Signs 2013 online survey.

Funded by Coast Capital Savings, the Vancouver Foundation and the City of Vancouver, the survey allows young people to grade and share their experiences on life in Metro Vancouver in 13 categories, including: arts, environment, poverty, homelessness, safety, employment, education, transportation, culture, identity and belonging, physical health, mental health, youth voice and youth spaces.

The first Youth Vital Signs survey in 2009 canvassed youth 15-24 in the City of Vancouver. This follow-up survey covers Metro Vancouver municipalities, providing a larger sampling of young people across the region.

The survey, which can be accessed at, is open until June 17. Results will be released in the fall. The goal is to inform and influence key decision-makers, government, funders and organizations to take concrete steps to address issues that affect young people.