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Spartan Race: Not your everyday 5K

Adventure race returns to Mt. Seymour June 14

Running can test your endurance, mental toughness and resolve.

Now add obstacles every few kilometres and you have a whole new kind of challenge. From jumping over fire to crawling under barbed wire, the world of adventure racing is waiting for you.

New on the scene for the past few years, this sport continues to gain momentum and has no sign of letting participants down when it comes to pushing comfort zones. Be aware that this is no typical run in the park; however, with these simple tips you'll be ready to release that warrior within.

On Saturday, June 14, the Reebok Spartan Race will take Mount Seymour by storm. The five-kilometre course will challenge both strength and cardio endurance, while providing a great alternative for people who are tired of repetitive workouts and are looking for a new and exciting way to have fun.

To top it off, this event is family-oriented, with mini races for kids, and the opportunity for adults to take part on a team or as an individual (where nearly half of the participants are women).

With the event coming up soon, here are the three most important factors to focus on to ensure you're prepared: running endurance, body weight exercises and proper attire.

Running If you asked first-time obstacle course racers what was the most challenging part, you'd be surprised to hear it's not jumping over eight-foot walls, or hauling sandbags. In fact, it's the energy-zapping hill runs on uneven terrain. Here's how you'll prepare for them.

Get out running three to four times per week mixing road and trail runs. Trail runs will help you get used to hills, elevation and running on rough surfaces.

Break up your week with two 20 to 30 minute runs - one long run and one hike.

Strength At many points during the race you'll be required to carry your own body weight. Obstacles like rope climbs, pull-ups, and the much-loved burpee require some preparation.

Combine your weekly runs with 10 pushups, 10 lunges and 10 burpees every five minutes. This combination will mimic a pattern you're likely to see on race day. If you have a park nearby, use the monkey bars for pull-ups and benches for dips.

Attire No matter how hard you train, if you're dressed in the wrong gear for an event like this, you'll be slowed down more than you'd think.

Avoid materials that hold water; eliminate the first culprit, cotton. Instead go for compression support or synthetic wicking fabrics.

Just as important is choosing the right footwear. Recently released is the Reebok All Terrain shoe specifically designed as ultra durable with rope/rock guards, but best of all is water-and mudresistant.

Plain and simple, get ready to add variety into your training, dress the part, and be sure to taper off training a few days out from the event. If you haven't signed up already, head to and be ready to release your inner beast.