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RCMP praised for rescuing wayward pup Henry from Marine Drive in West Van

"He was quite frantic and was almost struck by a vehicle while crossing Marine Drive."
Henry, the English setter, waits in a BC Highway Patrol squad car, after being rescued by police in West Vancouver, Oct. 11, 2022. | BC Highway Patrol

B.C.’s highway police are getting a pat on the head after rescuing a four-legged from danger on Marine Drive.

The BC Highway Patrol’s Integrated Road Safety Unit was doing speed enforcement in West Vancouver on Oct. 11 when they spotted the suspect attempting to bolt through traffic. The unit works across police jurisdictions and includes dedicated traffic enforcement officers from both the RCMP and municipal police forces.

The English setter-at-large nearly met an unfortunate end but was nabbed by an officer and a civilian at the scene.

“The dog, later identified as Henry, was quite frantic and was almost struck by a vehicle while crossing Marine Drive,” said Const. Stacey Shannon of the Fraser Coast road safety unit in a release. “Thank you to the woman who helped with Henry’s capture before harm could come to him.”

Once the suspect setter was safe in the squad car, Shannon found a way to contact his master on his dog tags. While tracking them down, Shannon purchased some K9 treats to make the experience a little less stressful for Henry. Soon after, he was back in the care of his owner.

“Henry expressed his appreciation with some vigorous tail-wagging,” the release states.

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