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North Vancouver RCMP investigating break-in at Edgemont Village bank

Windows were smashed and a small fire was set at an RBC branch early Wednesday morning, police say

Police are investigating a break and enter attempt at a bank in Edgemont Village.

The incident happened around 2:15 a.m. early Wednesday morning at the Royal Bank of Canada location at 3145 Edgemont Blvd., said Const. Mansoor Sahak, spokesperson for North Vancouver RCMP.

Windows were smashed and a small fire was set, but nothing was taken, he said.

“The investigation is ongoing in its very early stages,” Sahak said, adding that anyone with information about the incident should contact North Van RCMP at 604-985-1311.


Edgemont Village resident Christie Carrington said she saw police and fire investigators surrounding the RBC branch later Wednesday morning.

There was glass on the sidewalk, and cops were taking pictures, she said, adding that there was what appeared to be a bag of evidence on top of one of the police cruisers.

“It looks like [the perpetrators] busted in from the side door,” Carrington said. It looked like the people who broke in went to the upper level of the building, she added.

Carrington, who used to work in public affairs for RBC years ago, speculated that the perpetrators could have been trying to access the safety deposit boxes.

“I know we kept our safety deposit boxes for people in the back,” she said.

One of the worst-hit RBC locations for crime in the Vancouver area was the branch on Commercial Drive because there was an easy getaway route from the bank, Carrington said.

Access to the side entrance of the Edgemont Village bank is close to the adjacent street.

“That side door, I’m surprised it hasn’t been hit before,” Carrington said.