School trustee George Tsiakos has been acclaimed as the next chairman of the North Vancouver Board of Education.
Tsiakos was first elected to the board in 2018 and mostly recently has served as vice-chair.
Tsiakos takes over the top spot on the board from Christie Sacre, who has been chair of the North Vancouver school board for the past five years. Trustee Devon Bruce was acclaimed as vice-chair.
Sacre took over the board during a tumultuous time prior to the last election, when infighting and dysfunction around the board table resulted spending of $200,000 on lawyers and governance experts. The board eventually came up with a "trustee handbook" that describes behaviour expected of trustees.
At a school board meeting last week, Sacre reflected on some of the things she was most proud of during her time as chair of the board, including the trustee handbook, an employee satisfaction survey, the new mental health curriculum in schools, embracing of the SOGI queer-inclusive policies for schools, and a policy on student choice that allows students to opt out of animal dissection in biology classes.
Tsiakos takes over as chair in December.
In West Vancouver, board of education chair Carolyn Broady was re-elected by acclamation.