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Lynn Valley student wins LGH Foundation Christmas card contest with ‘whimsical’ design

12-year-old Bjorn Thor inspired by North Shore's stunning scenery
Bjorn Thor holds his winning entry in the 2021 Lions Gate Hospital Foundation's Christmas card competition.

Bjorn Thor can’t believe his luck the 12-year-old Lynn Valley Elementary student has won this year’s Lions Gate Hospital Foundation Design a Christmas Card Competition.

“It feels very good. I never thought this would ever happen to me.”

Chosen from dozens of entries from students across the North Shore, Thor’s winning design took inspiration from the scenery around the area.

“It’s kind of based on around here, because if there's no trees in the way, the sunset or sunrise is beautiful,” he said. “And there’s all the mountains in the background.”

This year was the first time Thor had entered the competition, but art is certainly not a new love for the budding artist.

“I've always been into art. When I was little, I had trouble speaking, so I would always draw, then [people] would know what I was saying,” he explained.

Coming up with the card design took some time, but once it was solidified, the card came together very quickly, Thor said.

“Lots of candy, lots of colour, and what makes people happy. People like those colours, and the sky, if you ask me, has the most colour and looks the best.”

For winning the competition, Thor’s design will be featured on the foundation’s Christmas card this year, and he will also receive a $100 gift card to Park Royal shopping centre.

“Everybody who has seen the design loves it and we hope the community will too,” said Louise Campbell, vice president of LGH Foundation. “It’s warm, its whimsical, and it really puts you in the festive spirit.”

The LGH Foundation charity Christmas cards can be found on sale at Save-On-Foods stores in North Vancouver, and at the foundation’s office at Lions Gate Hospital. All proceeds from the sale of the cards will go toward purchasing a second MRI machine for Lions Gate Hospital.