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Love story: Affirmed

Anne Marie Evers and Reginald (Reg) Clemens North Vancouver Occupations: Anne Marie is a published author, and radio and Internet talk show host. Reg is a pastor.

Anne Marie Evers and Reginald (Reg) Clemens North Vancouver


Anne Marie is a published author, and radio and Internet talk show host.

Reg is a pastor.

How did you meet?

Anne Marie: About three years after my second husband Roy passed away, I affirmed (ordered up) a third husband. I did an affirmation to have a lasting, loving and happy relationship, which turns into marriage with the perfect man for me. Reg found my picture on the Internet and sent me an email. Now when I do my workshops he helps me and even wears a T-shirt that has the words written on the back of it: I am a live affirmation.

Tell us about your first date:

Anne Marie: We met at the White Spot Restaurant on Lonsdale Avenue, and had fun getting to know each other. It turns out that he grew up just a couple of blocks from me in Surrey, B.C. I got to the restaurant about half an hour before Reg. When I first saw Reg come walking in, I thought to myself, he's a good looking man! And then when he came back and told me he had paid for my lunch, I was very impressed.

Reg: Everything about Anne Marie impressed me and I was anxious to see her again to make sure her blonde hair was real!

How did you propose?

Reg: I had a little angel made into a necklace with a golden chain. I gave it to her and asked her if she would marry me and be "my own special angel." She agreed and then I gave her an engagement ring. Then she couldn't wait to go home and tell the family.

Where and when was your wedding?

We eloped and we were married in Apache Junction, Ariz., on December 8, 2007. When we told our kids some of them got upset and started crying saying they wanted to be present so we did it again in our backyard on June 8, 2008.

What do you like most about each other?

Anne Marie: What I like most about Reg is his kind, caring nature, his unique and one-of-a-kind sense of humor, random acts of kindness, which he performs continuously, and his special way of spreading happiness and laughter.

Reg: What I like most about Anne Marie is her deep caring for other people and giving of herself helping them solve their problems. I guess what I am trying to say is she is truly an angel, my angel. I just love her for who she is and everything about her.

How do you like to spend time together:

Reg accompanies me to my workshop and seminars on Affirmations, helps me with packaging, shipping and selling my books, and encourages me. He is my rock. We also love to spend quality time with both his and my families, go shopping, out to dinner and just being together.

What is your secret for lasting love?

Find a partner that is compatible and shares some of your interests. Also communication, consideration and respect are very important.

Reg: When you meet that special person you just know. Our advice for anyone looking for that special love relationship is never give up. He or she is out there and you will find them!

What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

Reg has arranged a special Valentine's Day dinner for us and we are looking forward to spending it together and many more.