Lawn Sprinkling Schedule: Mornings-only (4-9 a.m.) watering regulations are in effect until Sept. 30. Even numbered addresses Monday, Wednesday or Saturday mornings and odd numbered addresses Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. Info:
Watershed Tours: See where your water comes from with free guided tours from July through September. Adult tours are offered Thursdays-Sundays in the Capilano and Coquitlam watersheds. Family focused tours are offered on select weekends at the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve. Each tour is approximately three-four hours. Registration required: 604-432-6430 or
Walk in the Tropics - Healing Gardens: An educational walk to discuss the healing and therapeutic benefits of spending time in green spaces Wednesday, July 17, 6: 30-7: 30 p.m. at the Bloedel Conservatory in Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver. Fee: $15/$10. Registration required: adulteducation/adult.htm.
Beginner Herbalism Classes: All ages are welcome to start herbal learning in a medicine garden and kitchen Saturdays, July 20, Aug. 24 and Sept. 21, 2-4 p.m. in the Hamilton Heights area, North Vancouver. Free, space is limited. Registration: Heidi, [email protected].
Vancouver Shade Garden Society will hold its annual show and competition Sunday, July 21, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at VanDusen Botanical Garden, 5251 Oak St., Vancouver. Info: Chris Jennings, 604602-6644 or sikokianumcjl@
GardenSmart Workshop - Winter Gardening: Learn how to grow great food through a West Coast winter Tuesday, July 23, 7-8: 30 p.m. at John Braithwaite Community Centre, 145 West First St., North Vancouver. Fee: $8.25. Registration required: 604-9903755. Info: northshorerecycling. ca/programs/gardensmart-workshops.
BC Fuchsia and Begonia Society will hold its annual show and competition July 27, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and July 28, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at VanDusen Botanical Garden, 5251 Oak St., Vancouver. Admission: $2.50. Info: 604-591-3262 or [email protected].
Impressions of VanDusen: A program for families with children ages five to 11 Sunday, Aug. 11, from 10: 30 a.m. to noon or 1: 30-3 p.m. at VanDusen Botanical Garden, 5251 Oak St., Vancouver. Fee: $25 per non-member family or $15 per member family. Registration required: 604718-5898 or familyprograms@
Lynnmouth Park Rehabilitation Project: Help remove invasive plants, plant native plants and learn about the local ecology while restoring the native plant population in the park Sunday, Sept. 15 from 10 a.m. to noon. Meet at Mountain Equipment Co-op, 212 Brooksbank Dr., North Vancouver. Info: dmcdonald@
Capilano Flower Arranging Club meets the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August), 7: 30 p.m. at Delbrook Community Centre, 600 West Queens Rd., North Vancouver. They have demonstrations, guest speakers and workshops. New members and guests welcome. Info: Donna at 604-986-9360 or Heather at 604-987-5382.
Capilano Garden Club meets the second Monday of each month at 7: 30 p.m. at Canyon Heights Christian Assembly, 4840 Capilano Rd., North Vancouver. New members welcome. Guests: $5. Info: 604980-4964.
Deep Cove Garden Club meets the fourth Thursday of each month (except July, August and December) from 7 to 10 p.m. in the Multicultural Seniors' Room at Parkgate Community Centre, 3625 Banff Court, North Vancouver. Meetings include speakers, workshops and field trips. Info: Elaine, 604-929-2928 or Chris, 604-924-1628.
Donate Surplus Harvest: The North Shore Recycling program encourages gardeners to donate surplus harvest to local food banks and shelters. No donation is too small and donations are accepted year round. For a list of organizations accepting fresh produce visit
The Upper Lonsdale Garden Club meets every second Thursday of the month, 7: 309: 30 p.m. in the basement of St. Martin's Anglican Church, 195 East Windsor Rd., North Vancouver. New members are welcome. Info: Dianne, 604980-3025 or dkkennedy@
West Coast Bonsai Society welcomes new members who are interested in the art of miniature trees. Meetings are every third Wednesday of the month, February through November, 7: 30-9: 30 p.m. at Delbrook Community Centre, 600 West Queens Rd., North Vancouver. Info: 604-922-6608.
West Vancouver Garden Club meets the first Wednesday of every month from September to July with the exception of January, 7: 30 p.m. at St. David's United Church, 1525 Taylor Way, West Vancouver. Coffee and guest speakers. New members and guests welcome. Cost: $25 per year or $35 for a couple, drop-in, $5. Info: