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Drunkin' doughnuts on soccer field end in arrest

Life was imitating the Simpsons as most North Vancouverites slept last night. Police caught a man driving drunk and doing doughnuts on the playing field at Grand Boulevard and East 15th.

Life was imitating the Simpsons as most North Vancouverites slept last night.

Police caught a man driving drunk and doing doughnuts on the playing field at Grand Boulevard and East 15th.

The act of drunken vandalism has done significant damage to the field.

A North Vancouver RCMP officer was on routine patrol around 12:30 a.m. when he spotted the would-be Homer Simpson in an older model Ford Bronco driving on the field and doing doughnuts. The constable caught the 22-year-old North Vancouver man as he tried to pull onto Grand Boulevard. In addition to a 90-day roadside suspension and a 30-day impoundment of his vehicle, the man is facing impaired driving and criminal mischief charges.

These soccer fields are used extensively by the general public, and now they will be out of commission until further notice. This is clearly an indicator of how alcohol impacts thought, mood and judgment and the negative consequences that follow, said RCMP Cpl. Richard De Jong,

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