IT could be some time before the West Vancouver Police Department can place a name to the body retrieved from the lower trail system of Hollyburn Mountain Friday.
A dog walker spotted the body Friday afternoon, called police and later led a coroner and member of WVPD's forensic identification section to the scene just east of the first lookout on Cypress Bowl Road.
Because it was in a wooded area, North Shore Rescue volunteers were tasked with removing the body.
The body is now with the B.C. Coroners Service. "We're waiting for the coroner. The (next of kin notification) has not been done and it could be some time for ID," said Const. Tammy Khorram, West Vancouver police spokeswoman.
West Vancouver Police had called NSR volunteers to the area the day before to do a grid search for evidence relating to a missing person file, but no evidence turned up.
There is no indication of foul play, Khorram added. "We do not believe there are any suspicious circumstances with regards to this," she said.