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Ambleside no-swim advisory to persist into heatwave weekend

High E. coli levels at the popular West Vancouver beach have decreased somewhat since last week
Beachgoers soak up the sun at Ambleside last July, when waters were deemed safe for swimming.

It’s more crappy news for West Vancouver’s most popular place to take a dip.

A no-swim advisory at Ambleside Beach will remain in place into this weekend, when temperatures are forecast to reach as high as 30 C.

Testing done in the ocean waters this week by Vancouver Coastal Health shows that levels of E. coli are still well above what are considered to be safe for swimming.

But the contamination has decreased somewhat since testing done last week, noted West Vancouver spokesperson Carrie Gadsby.

With the no-swim advisory lasting longer than others in the past, there is no word from VCH on what could be causing the E. coli levels to remain high for so long.

“VCH does not offer any information related to causation,” Gadsby said. “Testing done does not indicate whether the bacterial counts are human or animal related.”

High numbers of E. coli in the water at public beaches indicate contamination with feces and the potential presence of harmful microorganisms in the water.

According to VCH, “feces in water can make people ill or cause infections, from swimming or playing in the water.”

For swimming advisories at all Metro Vancouver beaches, check the VCH website.