A three-vehicle collision closed Lions Gate Bridge for nearly an hour Monday afternoon, just as long-weekend vacationers were heading back into Vancouver.
According to Const. Lindsey Houghton of the Vancouver Police Department, a southbound car was rear-ended as it slowed near the southern end of the bridge about 4 p.m.
"The force directed the car into northbound traffic," he said. "Fortunately nothing major happened."
It could have been much worse, as the driver of a northbound truck managed to slow and swerve in time and only "clipped the car," Houghton said. Following the collisions, "everyone just basically stopped and it was gridlock for a while."
West Vancouver police assisted with traffic control as a tow truck navigated the crowded road. Three people were taken to hospital with minor injuries and later released. The bridge reopened 50 minutes later.
Police are not considering any charges, but the driver of the following car may be ticketed.