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A look back in time

BOOK LOADED WITH CITY FACTS - The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver, by Chuck Davis. Published by Harbour Publishing, $49.95. CHUCK Davis loved Vancouver.


- The Chuck Davis History of Metropolitan Vancouver, by Chuck Davis. Published by Harbour Publishing, $49.95.

CHUCK Davis loved Vancouver.

He took every opportunity to share his enthusiasm for its colourful history through his CBC radio program, newspaper columns and public appearances.

He wrote 17 books, many of them histories of the city and surrounding regions. This book, which was completed after his death in 2010, is by far the largest collection of photographs and stories about Vancouver ever published.

Presented in chronological order are thousands of facts about the evolution of a city, from its discovery by George Vancouver in 1792 to the present day.

There are plenty of local tidbits, like a photograph of people standing on the Capilano Suspension in 1903, the year the steel cable version replaced the original bridge made of hemp rope and cedar planks.

Beginning with 1900, every year is covered and the level of detail is remarkable. Items like the 1927 opening of the Orpheum, the completion of the Upper Levels highway in 1957, the first papal visit to Canada with Pope John Paul II coming in September 1984 followed in November by Michael Jackson, all fill the pages.

This book can be opened at any page and provide a fascinating bit of information. It's a great gift for a fan of the city, a trivia buff, and residents living here or abroad.

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