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Young Artist of the Week: Abby Taylor

Abby Taylor (16) Carson Graham Art teacher: Kory Bogen Favourite art: watercolour and mixed media Favourite artist: Keith Haring Her teacher writes: Abby has a very bold and confident esthetic in her artwork.
young artist abby taylor
Abby Taylor, 16, Carson Graham

Abby Taylor (16) Carson Graham

Art teacher: Kory Bogen

Favourite art: watercolour and mixed media

Favourite artist: Keith Haring

Her teacher writes: Abby has a very bold and confident esthetic in her artwork. She fearlessly manipulates materials and articulates her process like a true practising artist. Abby will undoubtedly enjoy a highly successful career in the creative arts.

Young Artists of the Week are selected from North Shore schools by Artists for Kids for displaying exceptional ability in their classroom artwork. For details, visit the website