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What's going on for seniors

Shaping the Journey - Living with Dementia: A program for families and caregivers who are coping with the impact of a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease Mondays, Feb. 20, 27, March 5, 12 and 19, 1: 30-3: 30 p.m.

Shaping the Journey - Living with Dementia: A program for families and caregivers who are coping with the impact of a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease Mondays, Feb. 20, 27, March 5, 12 and 19, 1: 30-3: 30 p.m. at the West Vancouver Community Centre, 2121 Marine Dr. The program is designed specifically for people experiencing the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. It is also intended for care partners, family members or friends. Registration required: 604-984-8348 or ksutherland@alzheimerbc. org. Info:

1-2-3 Lift: Join physiotherapist Julie Bereziak and learn effective ways to protect your health while assisting others with daily activities Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2-4 p.m. at North Shore Community Resources, Room 203 at Capilano Mall, 935 Marine Dr., North Vancouver. Learn about back care, safe body mechanics for assisting someone to move, tips for helping with eating and getting dressed and assistive equipment for the home. Registration: 604-982-3320 or karyn. [email protected].