NOW don't be fooled by the title.
I'm not suggesting a longer summer, I know that can't happen. I'm talking about starting the school day a little later. Really, what's the harm?
Let's say school started at 10: 00 a.m. and ended at 4: 00 p.m. Teens seem to not really "wake up" until 10 anyway. If we end at four then we still get the right amount of hours as well.
For those teens that don't do their homework they can get up at eight and still have time to do their homework. For people who wake up early anyway they will have extra time in the morning.
Adding an hour or two to the morning means that more people will be organized, and if more people were organized then there would be fewer people late and scrambling for stuff to shove in their bag. When people are organized they won't be as stressed so they can focus. They'll know where their homework is.
This change may not be very good for elementary school due to parents who work. But for high school students, they can get to school by themselves.