Kate Shepard, a Grade 12 student at Mulgrave School, has been pursuing her passion for dance throughout her high school career. Mornings are spent at Mulgrave, studying course work in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. At the stroke of noon, Kate transforms herself from high school student into ballerina, as her mom whisks her from the school to the dance studio at Arts Umbrella.
"My transformation is both psychological and physical. Transitioning from kilt and blouse to tights and leotard, I sometimes receive strange glances from pedestrians and other drivers. The daunting challenge of juggling two rigorous fulltime programs has defined who I am. It has also taught me time management, patience, flexibility, communication skills and fortitude in the face of life's pressures."
Kate's ability to achieve excellence in both arenas of her life is a tribute to her dedication and hard work. In addition, a degree of flexibility in her school program and support from teachers have provided her with the opportunity to create a personalized learning program. A program that allows her to follow a passion for dance, while also satisfying the academic requirements of the BC Ministry and the IB Diploma Program.
Personalized learning is an initiative gaining recognition worldwide. The goal is to provide an academic program that responds to the uniqueness of every learner in terms of where, when and how learning takes place. Students are also engaged in the process of designing learning experiences that integrate their individual passions and interests.
Mulgrave will kick-start a personalized learning program in its Middle School next September. Students in grades 7 to 9 will have the opportunity to have more options in their educational selections.
According to Middle School principal Martin Jones, "We want to ensure students like Kate have the opportunity to pursue a passion - be it ballet or a high performance sport - not at the expense of an enriched academic program. At the same time, we want to offer a range of options for students who might want to try something new - expose them to an entirely new set of skills they may never have ever thought of exploring on their own. Who knows what passions will be born." Other personalized learning initiatives at Mulgrave will focus on the importance of differentiated instruction, individual student support with a wide range of specialized support teachers. The use of technology is also integral to the entire process, as a range of technologies can help support individual learning styles and interests.
Kate's personalized academic program will soon reach its conclusion. She has been accepted to Skidmore College, a highly selective liberal arts college in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., where she will go on to pursue a double major in dance and business next fall.