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A compendium of winged wonders

- The Complete Book of North American Butterflies, edited by Paul A. Opler (Thunder Bay Press, 192 pages) $21.95 THEY float through the air like mythical fairies, their delicate wings gently propelling them on a journey from flower to flower.

- The Complete Book of North American Butterflies, edited by Paul A. Opler (Thunder Bay Press, 192 pages) $21.95

THEY float through the air like mythical fairies, their delicate wings gently propelling them on a journey from flower to flower.

Butterflies are unlike most insects in that they don't sting, bite or carry disease, which combined with their natural beauty make them hugely popular.

They can be found all over the continent but more varieties will be seen in the southern regions.

The book opens with a fascinating look at their history, diversity, life cycle and more. This is followed by a detailed study of the different families and the variations within them that exist in North America.

Each individual butterfly is presented with a colour photograph and description that includes identification, what it feeds on as a caterpillar, similar species, habitat, mating flight and distribution.